☀️🌈🤩Optimists live longer!
⭐In fact, they are more likely to achieve what’s called “exceptional longevity,” which is living past the age of 85.
👍This is according to a study at Boston University School of Medicine, which tracked over 70,000 people.
🦄In the study, the most optimistic people had an 11% to 15% longer lifespan …
🌈and had a 50% to 70% greater chance of reaching 85 years old. That’s compared to people who didn’t score high on an optimism measurement scale.
🙃Scientists still aren’t sure exactly why being optimistic is linked to a longer life but theorize that a positive attitude makes it easier to bounce back from stress.
💦Also, they said that optimistic people tend to have healthy habits like exercising and not smoking.
👍How’s that for inspiration to get out your gratitude journal and start counting all the good things that are happening in your life!? Pretty amazing, right?