Marilyn Moss, functional fitness trainer, performs assisted stretching on a client lying on a portable treatment table.


1. Improved Athletic Performance

Ask an athlete!  When muscles are tight, imbalanced and sore, reaction time and overall athletic performance are impaired.  Assisted stretching combined with myofascial release can improve neuromuscular efficiency and increase blood flow.  This powerful combination allows your body to relax so that you can easily execute movement without having to consciously or subconsciously overcome muscle stiffness and soreness.

2. Increased Range of Motion and Flexibility

Old fashioned stretching that you learned in high school can often do more harm than good.  The problem is that you can elicit a stretch reflex.  That means instead of the muscle relaxing, it is actually contracting to protect itself.  Depending on your needs, we choose stretching techniques that allows your body to relax so that it can completely and appropriately stretch.  PNF and AIS stretching are among the advanced techniques we combine with myofascial release.

3. Decrease in hip, back, knee and shoulder pain and nagging soreness

The fact that a certain area hurts doesn’t mean it is the source of your pain! 

Our body is a complex web of interconnected muscle, bone, fascia, connective tissue, organs …well, you get the picture. 

Because everything is interconnected, people are often surprised to learn that the source of their pain is not where they think it is. 

For example, it is not uncommon for back pain to stem from tight chest muscles or for knee pain to come from a tight hip muscle. And to make matters more confusing, different sides of our body may need totally different amounts and types of stretching. 

Functional Fitness Guru evaluation identifies the source of your pain and addresses those areas.  Clients are often surprised at how quickly they feel better when they address areas, they never even though were the culprit. 

4. Stress Reduction and improved sleep

Releasing tension in your fascia will help you move better and improve your gait.  When you move in a more balanced manner, your overall circulation and posture improves, thereby reducing your risk of injury.  When you feel better, when you have better circulation, and when you move more naturally, you tend to sleep better.  What a win-win-win!

5. Weight loss

Stretching in itself does not lead to weight loss.  BUT, when you feel better and can move better, you tend to make better food choices and have more productive and enjoyable exercise sessions.  Think about how much more enjoyable and effective working out can be when you feel good and nothing is hurting.  Not to mention that extra walk you may take just because you feel good 😊

Marilyn Moss, owner of Functional Fitness Guru, has been helping people stretch and feel better for over 20 years.  Marilyn has an MS in Exercise Science is a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM, Corrective Exercise Specialist through NASM, Yoga Certified and Pilates trained.  She also has her Exercise is Medicine Credential through ACSM Functional Fitness Guru Assisted Stretching Program accepts FSA and HSA. Verify coverage with your provider and get ready to feel better!

“When I first started working out with Marilyn six months ago, I had severe back pain and poor balance. After one session my back felt much better and I canceled my orthopedic doctor appointment. She was also able to help me with a terrible knee problem. She decided it was coming from my balance issues and started exercises which gave me wonderful relief. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to get fit safely. I promise you won’t be disappointed!”

-Tina Flippin

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